Newsletters that Matter


Do you send the same newsletter out to everyone on your database?  I recently requested a large number of venues add me to their database to be kept informed of what was happening with venues in my State.  I have now started receiving those newsletters and I am yet to receive one that is specific to my needs as an event producer.  Sure, I’m getting the weekly blasts about what events are coming up, how wonderful the new restaurant menu is and the like, but I am yet to receive one that shows me why I should recommend their venue to my clients.

Newsletters are crucial to keeping your clients and potential clients up to date, but it must be relevant, interesting and specific to their needs.  The only way you can keep people signed up to your newsletter is to categorise them and write different newsletters for different groups, giving them information they need to help them do their job.

I want newsletters from venues that give me information on why I should suggest their venue to my clients over another.  I don’t want to go to a show or dine in their restaurant – I’m too busy for that.  Their newsletters are wasted on me and if they’re using a database server to send them out, they’re spending money selling me something I don’t want to buy.  But I do want to buy from them, I just don’t know what they sell that is relevant to me.

Keep your newsletter relevant for all your different audiences.  It might take a bit longer to segregate your database but I assure you, a newsletter with information relevant to my needs will not end up in the trash bin and may even result in a sale.

Try it, I’m sure you’ll like it.