Praise You!

Praise you! We all want it right? I know I do, and if I’m honest, it’s one of the main reasons I do what I do. I love it when something works, when the person I’m helping, highlighting or promoting, achieves their objective. When someone high-fives me and says thanks, my heart soars!
I still remember my first gig that I did all on my own. I was standing in the back of a dark room filled with an audience on the brink of explosion. The anticipation, the buzz, the goosebumps! This was it, the moment of truth that all of my effort, planning, priming and promoting was going to be proven. That moment I could see vague silhouettes on the stage moving around, a tapping of a mic, the clicking of drumsticks as they count in 1 – 2 – 3 – 4. Will it work, will the singers voice actually be amplified, will the spotlight work, what about the monitors. It’s all come down to this, months of planning all to see this audience in this room raise the roof with their vibration when it all works. And it does, and it is the most amazing feeling knowing that you enabled all of these pieces to come together to provide this audience with this experience.
The ultimate praise, applause from the audience and sure it’s lovely when many of the other people who played a part in your production praise you too, but nothing beats and engaged audience, a performer or presenter who can do their best because of what you created.
I show you how to get that praise by designing your event or conference with the guest experience in mind. Limited spots available for the next one in Brisbane