05: My guest spot on First Time Facilitator with Leanne Hughes - Rethinking your Workshop Strategy: Lessons from the Mall

I was a guest on Leanne's podcast and you can find her show here. https://www.firsttimefacilitator.com/podcast Leanne Hughes is the Author of the game changing book the 2-Hour Workshop Blueprint, and her work in Public practices transforms organisations and unlocks a culture of innovation. She is the enigmatic creator of The First Time Facilitator Podcast and Facebook group The Flipchart that has more than 2000 members. We chatted all things workshop and audience experience, as well as taking from other environments like shopping malls, and bringing their expertise into our own event environments. And if you don't have it already, here's the link to the free download - Pre Event Checklist https://www.eventplannersworkshop.com.au/pre-event-checklist